This style of having the characters, mainly Nikita, facing sideways or a certain direction is an... interesting choice. Not sure what to think about it yet. It feels very static. I think that's the word I'm looking for. The characters are usually in the center of the frame. Is this intentional?
That aside, this is easily among the best looking HS games I've ever played, with New Horizon, Cross Realms, and Eternum. New Horizon looks the best imo, but Mayfly is probably the next best one. After that, Cross Realms and Eternum are about tied for me.
If anyone has suggestions for similar-looking games to the ones I mentioned, let me know.
Best 18+ game I've seen so far. I have a question, does disabling Pregnant option makes the pregnant scenes completely disappear or do the pregnant characters model get replaced by non-pregnant model?
I heard that there is a 1. 5 version containing some cg about Nikita different from 2. 0. I wonder whether I could get to download this version of game or just the cg. (apologize for my poor English, hope you can understand what I mean)
Hi, so I have downloaded the latest version and started a new game but for some reason all the action render scenes ar missing like when Nikita shots an arrow to the airship and fighting stuff etc. I'm on android by the way. Am I missing something here, I'm not really getting it. I love this game that's why I wanted a fresh start.
Damn bro i played this game before with the old version and just now playing the reset version and it looks sooo much better. Glad you can improve your game which is showing how much you love this project.
This game is the most wonderful I have ever played. Both modeling and plot are masterpieces. Thank Jason for creating such excellent works. I am very much looking forward to the next update (by the way, will ntr appear in future version updates? I don't want to see such a good female character insulted) ( ✘_✘ )↯
Every reader interprets a work differently – you just need to trust what you find in the story. That's the valid interpretation. Besides, cyberpunk as a genre inherently carries social critique and reflections on reality. That's literally the essence of punk.
TLDR: Needs a prologue or something to properly explain everything and the characters. Might be my sleep deprivation stopping me from understanding it, gonna try and get some actual sleep for once and play it from the beginning later and see if my opinion's changed. Everything else is pretty good tho (graphics, character designs, environment, etc)
I'm gonna be honest here, this game has everything it needs to be good but I just feel confused trying to understand the characters so far. Graphics are good, character designs are good, and the overall setup seems good too. But the characters are kinda just there and it feels like you're supposed to know them already.
I think it'd benefit greatly from a sort of prologue chapter that properly introduces the characters. Because currently it feels like grabbing a book to read, flipping to the firstpage, and it says chapter 4 despite being the very first book in the series, and it expects you to already know each character. Like the very first interaction you have with Emma is sex and the only explanation you get is "this isn't the first time we've done this" which is fairly self-explanatory but at the same time makes her feel like the "obligatory sex scene because otherwise it wouldn't be an adult vn" character. Then with Nikita she went to the same academy as the MC but she acts like she's been a vigilante for over 20 years or something while the MC is just a new recruit and the start of the game is his very first "real" mission. She was the MC's senior in the academy but... that isn't really explained much at all. Then they act like best friends and go out drinking (Which they've done multiple times apparently) but strangers at the same time. Same goes with Ling, like the MC went to the academy with her too or something but you know nothing about her and she's just there once or twice.
I know there's already a small exposition before the actual game begins, but that just tells you that MC's parents are dead, he lives with his friend's family (Emma and her mom), and went to a police academy. All in like 5 or 8 sentences. I feel like if it was it's own actual chapter and you got to see some of his experiences in the academy as well as interactions with Emma, Ling, and Nikita that'd make it more comprehensible and give them more of a reason to be there. An actual background that the player could use as a point of reference.
That mission at the start feels like the beginning of a spy movie where usually it goes "that's me and my team, I bet you're wondering how we got here" then the entire movie is the setup leading up to that point. But the game doesn't do that. There's no flashback where the MC interrupts and then goes "Oh yeah, I should probably explain what's going on and how I got into this situation so you aren't confused." Instead you get a bunch of bandits and guards talking about a bunch of things in the game's world, which leads to an overload of information and almost none of it is immediately relevant.
I don't know if it's just my sleep deprivation or what, but it just doesn't feel right to me. I'm gonna give it a few days to get some actual sleep, reinstall the game, replay it from the start, then come back and see if my opinion on it has changed at all. Graphics are great, character designs are great, environment looks pretty good too, animations were great, and the story seems like it has potential.
Visually stunning with a very interesting story, though the dialogue is sometimes a bit off. Is it translated from another language? That's how it feels anyway. It might be a good idea to have a native English speaker proofread the script.
Another thing that I noticed is that it's kind of unclear what your relationship to all of the people are. How long they've known each other, how close they are before the game starts, etc. Nikita for example seems to switch between having known MC for months and as if he just started working with her a week ago in the way she talks to him.
I'm very much looking forward to the next update, though.
some cultures consider work the same as a home life and having somebody there for a week can make you feel like you have known them for months. sorry for spelling
Fuckin Amazing. one of the best adult games i have ever played. background score i THE BEST. It really builds the atmosphere. the story is also good. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! EAGERLY WAITING FOR UPDATES
One in a million game here. Shit gets real and reflects dystopian Real Life.
4th Wall breaking and other jokes bring levity, but there is a very hardened storyline (like most AVNs), showing how, like most titles, it is a kinetic story w/makeup.
I never hold back on comments, good or bad, so I’ll say it bluntly. It reminds me of the Apocalyptic Times we are in, and it strangles my Tie. This may, I hope, need the mythic “ #nsfl “ tag.
Jason, the production thinly veils what many of us once wrote off as “fantasy”, fantasies that one can find in newspaper articles & medical papers IRL. Perfect delivery of terrifying truth!
Thank you for painting the #Snowpiercer of this decade. Just… make it truly Dynamic, w/meamingful choices. I get the restraints -the dragon- has on production as The Eagle signs its half of The Marble’s Swan Song, but this point is moot considering the glacial pace of production that may not render completion before Apollyon’s march.
In short:
Veery Realistic (so far). Keep it that way, make even more reliable than Bitchute or X! A man wrote the world’s most terrifying Book from #Patymos some millemia ago, maybe you can find inspiration there, at least from 1 angle.
The pace is prohibitively slow. Hurry it up.
Grammar used is actually high quality here, very succinct! Top Shelf!
The story is still very short, so you have time to craft in life-altering & truly direction-altering) choices. Do so!
In 1 year, only 1 update. You mentioned “resetting” the quality. Now it’s “upgraded”, hurry! Good images & great English. You leveled up. Done. Good job. Now, hurry! You can do it! You MUST do it!
Oh god damn Jason.. You crafted a masterpiece here. By far the best graphics I've ever seen on an upcoming AVN. The animation is on par with the top games. I'm looking forward to more sex scenes too! Damn I was disappointed with Nikita's scene haha. But it was amazing. The Eternum cameo(is that what it's called) is well-placed and to be honest I didn't expect Laufey. Fits the vibe of the scene really well. And wow Jason. Wow. The end credit is so.. interesting for some damn reason. (not to mention the feet scene😛😛😛) The song the characters wow. Wow! I'll be waiting for EP3 my guy.
Your game is freaking greatt!! But the only problem i have is the sex scene you need to improve it , there's nothing much to see when the character are having sex..
Hi. I tried your AVN and I'm afraid I was not impressed.
On the positive side the character models were very beautiful and the quality of the graphics was quite high.
But I found the story hard to follow, I got bored early on and just stopped trying to track what was happening. I think I grew bored because I have seen other similar stories before, so I found the story to be uninspired.
I didn't think the MC was anything special or that he deserved all of the attention he was getting, I didn't know or care what his superpower was...
The only female character I was interested in at all was Ling and even then I'd be hard pressed to say what I liked about her apart from her general appearance. Personally I dont think that's a very good reason to like a girl, so I was quite disappointed in the female characters.
I think the choices are almost meaningless. They only seem to offer relationship points, which only lead to lewds. I dont think they will change the actual story in any way. I think I could take the most negative option possible in every choice, destroy every romance in the story and the end result would be exactly the same...
Next is a topic I find difficult. You see I really hate Eternum, so seeing a reference to it in your AVN was a massive turn off for me.
So for all of these reason I have to give your AVN 1 star and I cannot in good faith back you in any way.
Ok, since you two guys want an answer so bad here it is:
My suggestion is that the Dev should get rid of the pretention of choice entirely. Change this into a Kineteic Novel instead of an AVN.
Most players are just going to chase down every lewd anyway and since the choices only seem to be about gathering relationship points in order to see lewds I say get rid of them, skip to what the consumers want.
Dev still gets to tell the story he wants his way, removing the choices will cut down on dev time since he wont need to write that bit of code and the readers get to see tits.
My usual post which i don't think I've made here yet...
Since you are getting towards 2gb on file size, you should consider packing a bunch of the images into RPA files, archives. This will coupled with designating a secondary folder on android would let you avoid splitting the game into parts. By doing this, you (and android users) would not have to mess with the RPAs much, with apks still handling resources from updates since the last RPA.
Both of these are more or less standard practice for porters on f95 so you should be able to get the "how" from them as unfortunately i don't know myself.
Hey there, previous player here. I downloaded your game and played it back a few months ago and really loved it. I'm glad to see it updated with a new chapter but I wanted to point out something I don't think has been noticed. I saw with your latest release that it was also on the launcher, and I went to install it only for it to give me the incompatible third-party website error even though I can clearly see the reset version can be installed through the launcher. Is there a way to fix this?
I've seen this once before so you're not alone. For the time being I will probably just download your game straight from the website which is still a great game.
I never used the software outside of the website itself. HiveMind outsources files to 3rd-party repositories, so what’s the point?
My advice, Guard, is to scrub the apk/iApp/WinMount, relying on browsers. Gives you more storage space that way as a bonus!
When you use the http, sometimes the filehosts throw hangups all the same. Competition is good for business & free enterprise, right?
Ah, we all get troubles sometimes,TimeShield.
I noticed from trying to launch another title how JoiPlay turns into useless JoyHate, running nothing but RAM Usage and invasive & wholly unnecessary http pings to tell the world everything that needs to stay private, erstwhile launching NOTHING I tell it to.
Hey sorry for the late update, but I wanted you to know that I was able to install your game via the launcher a couple of days ago. I'm going to play it right now. Keep up the great work.
Just now, I completed the second chapter of 'Mayfly', which was very shocking to me. Just like last year when I played the first chapter for the first time, the character modeling became even more outstanding in the second chapter. Every girl grew up in my heart, and with their personalities, I love them! The plot is even more amazing, and it's very profound, So much so that it took me four hours to play from start to finish. I wonder if you have any research on Chinese culture, which made me so familiar while playing. Although waiting for it to update is agonizing, everything was worth it in the end, isn't it? I love this game because it is currently short, so many people are afraid to come into contact with it. But don't worry, as it slowly develops, many people will love it! I also hope to keep watching this game develop, hoping that it can accompany me forever. In this vast world, like a mayfly, I am so fortunate to meet you and your game. You are a great game creator, looking forward to the arrival of mayfly 0.3, love you Jason♡
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Will there be any vampire characters? I think it would look great.
hi dev ty for free game
This style of having the characters, mainly Nikita, facing sideways or a certain direction is an... interesting choice. Not sure what to think about it yet. It feels very static. I think that's the word I'm looking for. The characters are usually in the center of the frame. Is this intentional?
That aside, this is easily among the best looking HS games I've ever played, with New Horizon, Cross Realms, and Eternum. New Horizon looks the best imo, but Mayfly is probably the next best one. After that, Cross Realms and Eternum are about tied for me.
If anyone has suggestions for similar-looking games to the ones I mentioned, let me know.
The music is really nice! Can you give me a list of the tracks?
Best 18+ game I've seen so far. I have a question, does disabling Pregnant option makes the pregnant scenes completely disappear or do the pregnant characters model get replaced by non-pregnant model?
I would just block all pregnancy related content
I heard that there is a 1. 5 version containing some cg about Nikita different from 2. 0. I wonder whether I could get to download this version of game or just the cg. (apologize for my poor English, hope you can understand what I mean)
我很喜欢这款游戏 是我玩过很多视觉小说里 很好的一档了 特别是角色建模 更何况你是第一次制作游戏 真的很厉害 加油期待你下一次更新 ,其实我也想当创作者 第一次绝对没你这么好 你是很有天赋的
привет я скачал игру и там не было моего языка русский и знает как некрасиво вводить людей в заблуждение что там есть русский язык
Написано в журнале разработчика что выпустит перевод позже из за проблем у переводчика
hello may i ask how many episodes are you planning to do?
Hi, so I have downloaded the latest version and started a new game but for some reason all the action render scenes ar missing like when Nikita shots an arrow to the airship and fighting stuff etc. I'm on android by the way. Am I missing something here, I'm not really getting it. I love this game that's why I wanted a fresh start.
Truth be honest, this is the first time I've heard of such a situation.
But they are there, maybe you need to download and install them again once.
Okay I will try to redownload it and install it again I will let you know if it helps. Thanks for responding
It got fixed after reinstalling
Damn bro i played this game before with the old version and just now playing the reset version and it looks sooo much better. Glad you can improve your game which is showing how much you love this project.
Thanks for your hardwork❤️
Glad u like it~
this game so great especially the visual, i like it, there any next chapter soon?
I can't give an exact date
This game is the most wonderful I have ever played. Both modeling and plot are masterpieces. Thank Jason for creating such excellent works. I am very much looking forward to the next update (by the way, will ntr appear in future version updates? I don't want to see such a good female character insulted) ( ✘_✘ )↯
No ntr
Я один не могу понять где включить Русский язык ???
The Russian translation is temporarily unavailable due to illness, and the Russian on the 0.2 part will be available soon
How can I download part 1?
Every reader interprets a work differently – you just need to trust what you find in the story. That's the valid interpretation.
Besides, cyberpunk as a genre inherently carries social critique and reflections on reality. That's literally the essence of punk.
Glad u like it~
TLDR: Needs a prologue or something to properly explain everything and the characters. Might be my sleep deprivation stopping me from understanding it, gonna try and get some actual sleep for once and play it from the beginning later and see if my opinion's changed. Everything else is pretty good tho (graphics, character designs, environment, etc)
I'm gonna be honest here, this game has everything it needs to be good but I just feel confused trying to understand the characters so far. Graphics are good, character designs are good, and the overall setup seems good too. But the characters are kinda just there and it feels like you're supposed to know them already.
I think it'd benefit greatly from a sort of prologue chapter that properly introduces the characters. Because currently it feels like grabbing a book to read, flipping to the first page, and it says chapter 4 despite being the very first book in the series, and it expects you to already know each character. Like the very first interaction you have with Emma is sex and the only explanation you get is "this isn't the first time we've done this" which is fairly self-explanatory but at the same time makes her feel like the "obligatory sex scene because otherwise it wouldn't be an adult vn" character. Then with Nikita she went to the same academy as the MC but she acts like she's been a vigilante for over 20 years or something while the MC is just a new recruit and the start of the game is his very first "real" mission. She was the MC's senior in the academy but... that isn't really explained much at all. Then they act like best friends and go out drinking (Which they've done multiple times apparently) but strangers at the same time. Same goes with Ling, like the MC went to the academy with her too or something but you know nothing about her and she's just there once or twice.
I know there's already a small exposition before the actual game begins, but that just tells you that MC's parents are dead, he lives with his friend's family (Emma and her mom), and went to a police academy. All in like 5 or 8 sentences. I feel like if it was it's own actual chapter and you got to see some of his experiences in the academy as well as interactions with Emma, Ling, and Nikita that'd make it more comprehensible and give them more of a reason to be there. An actual background that the player could use as a point of reference.
That mission at the start feels like the beginning of a spy movie where usually it goes "that's me and my team, I bet you're wondering how we got here" then the entire movie is the setup leading up to that point. But the game doesn't do that. There's no flashback where the MC interrupts and then goes "Oh yeah, I should probably explain what's going on and how I got into this situation so you aren't confused." Instead you get a bunch of bandits and guards talking about a bunch of things in the game's world, which leads to an overload of information and almost none of it is immediately relevant.
I don't know if it's just my sleep deprivation or what, but it just doesn't feel right to me. I'm gonna give it a few days to get some actual sleep, reinstall the game, replay it from the start, then come back and see if my opinion on it has changed at all. Graphics are great, character designs are great, environment looks pretty good too, animations were great, and the story seems like it has potential.
Maybe I'll look into prequel development in the future
Visually stunning with a very interesting story, though the dialogue is sometimes a bit off. Is it translated from another language? That's how it feels anyway. It might be a good idea to have a native English speaker proofread the script.
Another thing that I noticed is that it's kind of unclear what your relationship to all of the people are. How long they've known each other, how close they are before the game starts, etc. Nikita for example seems to switch between having known MC for months and as if he just started working with her a week ago in the way she talks to him.
I'm very much looking forward to the next update, though.
I'm not sure what you mean. I never mention anything about culture in my comment.
some cultures consider work the same as a home life and having somebody there for a week can make you feel like you have known them for months. sorry for spelling
Fuckin Amazing. one of the best adult games i have ever played. background score i THE BEST. It really builds the atmosphere. the story is also good. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! EAGERLY WAITING FOR UPDATES
Glad u like it bro
I still only recommend my game for adults
One in a million game here. Shit gets real and reflects dystopian Real Life.
4th Wall breaking and other jokes bring levity, but there is a very hardened storyline (like most AVNs), showing how, like most titles, it is a kinetic story w/makeup.
I never hold back on comments, good or bad, so I’ll say it bluntly. It reminds me of the Apocalyptic Times we are in, and it strangles my Tie. This may, I hope, need the mythic “ #nsfl “ tag.
Jason, the production thinly veils what many of us once wrote off as “fantasy”, fantasies that one can find in newspaper articles & medical papers IRL. Perfect delivery of terrifying truth!
Thank you for painting the #Snowpiercer of this decade. Just… make it truly Dynamic, w/meamingful choices. I get the restraints -the dragon- has on production as The Eagle signs its half of The Marble’s Swan Song, but this point is moot considering the glacial pace of production that may not render completion before Apollyon’s march.
In short:
Veery Realistic (so far). Keep it that way, make even more reliable than Bitchute or X! A man wrote the world’s most terrifying Book from #Patymos some millemia ago, maybe you can find inspiration there, at least from 1 angle.
The pace is prohibitively slow. Hurry it up.
Grammar used is actually high quality here, very succinct! Top Shelf!
The story is still very short, so you have time to craft in life-altering & truly direction-altering) choices. Do so!
In 1 year, only 1 update. You mentioned “resetting” the quality. Now it’s “upgraded”, hurry! Good images & great English. You leveled up. Done. Good job. Now, hurry! You can do it! You MUST do it!
Wow, what a... Very surprising review!
Thank you for writing this, it will inspire me to keep creating!
Glad u like it!❤
i can't even imagine how many hours you spent in this game, every scene is a work of art. The story is very deep too.
Love u❤~
10/10 one of the best keep it up brother👍
Glad u like it bro
thank you for making it bro
10/10 The best AVN i've played so far. The animation and VFX is just outstanding. great job Jason!
Glad u like it bro
idk, bro
Is it available for Android 14?if not, when?
Nevermind,it works
Oh god damn Jason.. You crafted a masterpiece here. By far the best graphics I've ever seen on an upcoming AVN. The animation is on par with the top games. I'm looking forward to more sex scenes too! Damn I was disappointed with Nikita's scene haha. But it was amazing. The Eternum cameo(is that what it's called) is well-placed and to be honest I didn't expect Laufey. Fits the vibe of the scene really well. And wow Jason. Wow. The end credit is so.. interesting for some damn reason. (not to mention the feet scene😛😛😛) The song the characters wow. Wow! I'll be waiting for EP3 my guy.
Keep up the good work!
Glad u like it~
Your game is freaking greatt!! But the only problem i have is the sex scene you need to improve it , there's nothing much to see when the character are having sex..
It's gonna get better
needs ntr
u a real one 4 that
I was here to just check the game but damn this one word cold reply is savage, Gonna download and play now.
Pure chad bro.
Heresy shall not be tolerated
no need, don't even think, kid
Hi. I tried your AVN and I'm afraid I was not impressed.
On the positive side the character models were very beautiful and the quality of the graphics was quite high.
But I found the story hard to follow, I got bored early on and just stopped trying to track what was happening. I think I grew bored because I have seen other similar stories before, so I found the story to be uninspired.
I didn't think the MC was anything special or that he deserved all of the attention he was getting, I didn't know or care what his superpower was...
The only female character I was interested in at all was Ling and even then I'd be hard pressed to say what I liked about her apart from her general appearance. Personally I dont think that's a very good reason to like a girl, so I was quite disappointed in the female characters.
I think the choices are almost meaningless. They only seem to offer relationship points, which only lead to lewds. I dont think they will change the actual story in any way. I think I could take the most negative option possible in every choice, destroy every romance in the story and the end result would be exactly the same...
Next is a topic I find difficult. You see I really hate Eternum, so seeing a reference to it in your AVN was a massive turn off for me.
So for all of these reason I have to give your AVN 1 star and I cannot in good faith back you in any way.
I will trouble you no further.
Okay, just do it
Yeah i found very similarities with Phoenixes
So tell me, bro, what kind of AVN would you like?
Ikr? whats the point of his comment without a suggestion?
See my answer to the previous post.
Ok, since you two guys want an answer so bad here it is:
My suggestion is that the Dev should get rid of the pretention of choice entirely. Change this into a Kineteic Novel instead of an AVN.
Most players are just going to chase down every lewd anyway and since the choices only seem to be about gathering relationship points in order to see lewds I say get rid of them, skip to what the consumers want.
Dev still gets to tell the story he wants his way, removing the choices will cut down on dev time since he wont need to write that bit of code and the readers get to see tits.
Win, win, win.
My usual post which i don't think I've made here yet...
Since you are getting towards 2gb on file size, you should consider packing a bunch of the images into RPA files, archives. This will coupled with designating a secondary folder on android would let you avoid splitting the game into parts. By doing this, you (and android users) would not have to mess with the RPAs much, with apks still handling resources from updates since the last RPA.
Both of these are more or less standard practice for porters on f95 so you should be able to get the "how" from them as unfortunately i don't know myself.
Hey there, previous player here. I downloaded your game and played it back a few months ago and really loved it. I'm glad to see it updated with a new chapter but I wanted to point out something I don't think has been noticed. I saw with your latest release that it was also on the launcher, and I went to install it only for it to give me the incompatible third-party website error even though I can clearly see the reset version can be installed through the launcher. Is there a way to fix this?
This is the first time I've heard similar feedback
I have no experience with this
I've seen this once before so you're not alone. For the time being I will probably just download your game straight from the website which is still a great game.
I never used the software outside of the website itself. HiveMind outsources files to 3rd-party repositories, so what’s the point?
My advice, Guard, is to scrub the apk/iApp/WinMount, relying on browsers. Gives you more storage space that way as a bonus!
When you use the http, sometimes the filehosts throw hangups all the same. Competition is good for business & free enterprise, right?
Ah, we all get troubles sometimes,TimeShield. I noticed from trying to launch another title how JoiPlay turns into useless JoyHate, running nothing but RAM Usage and invasive & wholly unnecessary http pings to tell the world everything that needs to stay private, erstwhile launching NOTHING I tell it to. Tch.
Thanks for the advice. I'll do that.
Hey sorry for the late update, but I wanted you to know that I was able to install your game via the launcher a couple of days ago. I'm going to play it right now. Keep up the great work.
Just now, I completed the second chapter of 'Mayfly', which was very shocking to me. Just like last year when I played the first chapter for the first time, the character modeling became even more outstanding in the second chapter. Every girl grew up in my heart, and with their personalities, I love them! The plot is even more amazing, and it's very profound, So much so that it took me four hours to play from start to finish. I wonder if you have any research on Chinese culture, which made me so familiar while playing. Although waiting for it to update is agonizing, everything was worth it in the end, isn't it? I love this game because it is currently short, so many people are afraid to come into contact with it. But don't worry, as it slowly develops, many people will love it! I also hope to keep watching this game develop, hoping that it can accompany me forever. In this vast world, like a mayfly, I am so fortunate to meet you and your game. You are a great game creator, looking forward to the arrival of mayfly 0.3, love you Jason♡
i opened this game and thought i opened cyberpunk when i heard the menu music 10/10 i named the mc V